Shanghai court’ decision on invalid marriage and revocable marriage

 2018-06-28  1242

I. If any of the following circumstances occurs, the marriage shall be invalid:

a. if either party is a bigamist;

b. if both parties are in the kinship that is forbidden from getting married by law;

c. if any party has suffered from any disease that is held by medical science as rending a person unfit for getting married and the disease has not been cured after marriage;

d. if any party has not come up to the legitimate age for marriage.


II.In the case of intimidated marriage, the intimidated party may apply to the marriage registration authority or Shanghai court for canceling the said marriage. The intimidated party shall make the application within one year since the day of marriage registration. Where any party who is unlawfully confined in personal freedom applies for canceling a marriage, he or she shall make the application within one year since the day he or she resumes personal freedom.