Criminal Penalties for Hiding Information during 2019-nCoV epidemic

 2020-02-07  1337



Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm reminds that anyone who especially travels or lives in Wuhan or gets in touch with patiens with 2019-nCoV shall self-report to government at any level or seek medical check in local hospitals, otherwise he or she will receive administrative or even criminal punishments according to Chinese laws and regulations. Please remember that you are not alone and we all are here with you to fight against the virus in China!

The Guangdong provincial authority even issued guidelines on administrative law enforcement during the novel coronavirus outbreak on this Tuesday.

In addition, those who are aware they likely carry the coronavirus but do not self-report or seek medical treatment for their health condition, will be held responsible, even criminally.

People who hide their history of traveling or living in regions with major novel coronavirus outbreaks will be held responsible, even on criminal charges in China.