Fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic with one heart

 2022-03-28  1251

At present, Shanghai COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control has entered the most critical stage. All the lawyers of Shanghai Nuodi Law Firm actively contribute their strength to fight against the epidemic and hopefully we will win the "war" soon.


On March 26 of 2022, lawyer Xu Wen, as a party member and branch secretary, was informed of the recruitment of volunteers for Antigen testing in the community, and he actively organized nine other owners as volunteers to provide door-to-door delivery of Antigen testing kits and population registration services for 750 owners of Jindi Shiguang Yayuan. It was a heavy task with a tight schedule. With the cooperation of ten teachers in Xinmin School, the volunteers worked in pairs to go door-to-door according to the assigned apartment numbers. The work started at 3 p.m. and ended at around 6 p.m. Finally, 1778 residents successfully completed Antigen testing. At 9 pm, it was reported successful. All the testing results of the residents are negative!


On the morning of March 27, 2022, lawyer Na Ren, the Director of Nuodi Law Firm, learned by chance that a student Cao of Xinhongqiao Primary School in Changning District had trouble with the only TV set for online classes. However, during the epidemic period, he could not buy or repair the TV set in time. The neighborhood committee could not solve this problemMr. Na decided to deliver his own LCD TV to Cao's house, so that next week Cao can attend  online classes. Lawyer Xu Wen also donated actively in the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Project.  


In addition, Shanghai Nuodi Law Firm has setted-up a legal consultation hotline to provide legal advice to the community 24 hours a day to fully support the anti-epidemic work. Persistence is victory, persistence to victory!  In the battle against "epidemic" without smoke of gunpowder, our lawyers will continue to be a small "screw" on the epidemic prevention front, fighting the epidemic with one mind, uniting as one, overcoming difficulties together, and resolutely winning the battle against the epidemic.