Foreigners can be deported if they violate the law of China

 2019-10-22  1335

Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm remindes all foreign friends who study and work in China, as long as any violation of Security Administration Punishment Act in China, foreigners may be simultaneously applicable to the scheduled departure or deportation, according to the specific circumstances of the case to determine.


According to international practice, those who have diplomatic privileges and immunities have resolved through diplomatic acts if any violation of Security Administration Punishment Act. He is held accountable for his lack of privileges and immunities.


According to Article 10 of China's "Security Administration Punishment Act”: "For foreigners who violate public security management, they may apply for a limited time to leave or deport." In 2006, the Ministry of Public Security specially formulated the "Public Security Organs Execution < People's Republic of China Security Administration Punishment Act> Interpretation of Relevant Issues, of which Article 2 stipulates: If a foreigner needs to apply for a time limit for exit or expulsion from the country, the public security organ handling the case shall report it to the provincial level authorized by the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of Public Security. The case shall be executed by the public security organ handling the case. If it decides to apply the administrative detention to foreigners according to law, the public security organ at or above the county level (including the county level) who decides to handle the case shall not report to the public security organ at the higher level for approval. If it decides a warning, a fine, or an administrative detention with a penalty for expiration or deportation applied to the foreigner in accordance with the law, he/she shall be deported after warning, fine, or administrative detention is executed.


According to Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm’s lawyers’ legal experience, there are many violations of public security management by foreigners in China. More are prostitution and drug abuse. For example, internationally controversial marijuana is legal throughout Canada but is a drug in China, where it will be illegal to hold, transport, plant or smoke.


Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm’s lawyers solemnly remind that foreign friends entering China are obliged to be familiar with China's relevant laws and regulations. All laws are published. After entering China, foreign friends and companies should understand and be familiar with relevant laws and regulations, and should consciously abide by the law. For legal assistance, please contact us at or